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Prescriptions written on pads cause other issues as well. Sometimes handwritten prescriptions are illegible due to doctors’ less-than-perfect handwriting. Plus, fraudsters can easily alter a prescription to have seven or nine refills instead of just one. Illegible prescriptions can lead to fatal consequences — a July 2006 report from the National Academies of Science’s Institute of Medicine (IOM) found that as many as 7,000 people die every year due to hard-to-read prescriptions.

Prescription pads have the hospital’s information at the top, so any time these pads are stolen or used fraudulently, an investigation is going to lead directly back to the hospital. This makes the institution liable for fines, legal judgments, suspension/revocation of licenses, increased insurance costs, and a tarnished reputation.





Bank teller handing cashier's check to customer

Cashier's Checks vs. Personal Checks: What's the Difference?

We may read "checks" are dead on many online news publications, but that is far from the truth. In fact, the majority of B2B transactions are done via check transaction, at 80%.




Uh-oh. It seems like the days of working remotely, whether full time or on a hybrid schedule, are coming to an end. Earlier this fall, two major corporations, Amazon and Dell,..
